Magic Within You: Retore Your Energy Meditation

This 6-minute guided meditation will bring you into deeper awareness within your magical being. Breathe in beauty, and feed your body with compassion, love, and gratitude for the amazing individual you are. Take time to reset your mind, body, and soul in whatever way you need... through releasing or installing all areas of support desired. Energetically refresh your spirit, and embrace a deeper appreciation for you.

🖤 michelle

Michelle, with her hands, pressed together by her sternum in a "prayer position"


My name is Michelle Shlafman, and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). If you are in the state of Georgia (USA), I’m currently accepting clients & would be honored to support you if we are a good fit for one another. 

Book your free consultation call to get started.


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Mindful Practice: Honoring Your Creativity Meditation